This guide shows you how to build a door / window sensor only with ESP8266 and NodeMCU (LUA) – without Arduino. The EasyIoT interface is used to display the status of doors / windows on your phone, tablet or desktop computer.

This guide shows you how to build a door / window sensor only with ESP8266 and NodeMCU (LUA) – without Arduino. The EasyIoT interface is used to display the status of doors / windows on your phone, tablet or desktop computer.
може сховати лістинг у акордеон? ####### ggreg20_esp8266_esphome.yaml ##### esphome: name: esphome_node1 # Controller Unique Name platform: ESP8266 # Platform type you have to select when creating new yaml-config in ESP Home board: nodemcuv2 # Controller type you have to select when creating new yaml-config in ESP Home wifi: ssid: "YourWiFiSSID" password: "SSIDPassword" # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Esphome Node1 Fallback Hotspot" password: "Cpxg9hRIBU7M" captive_portal: # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: password: "APIpassword" ota: password: "OTApassword" # Just embedded test D3 (GPIO0) button on every ESP8266 Devboard # You can press D3 button several times to simulate incoming GGreg pulses binary_sensor: - platform: gpio name: "D3 Input Button" pin: number: 0 inverted: True mode: INPUT_PULLUP # Here we calc and include to the firmware a power and doze values of ionizing radiation as sensor outputs sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: D3 unit_of_measurement: 'mkSv/Hour' name: 'Ionizing Radiation Power' count_mode: rising_edge: DISABLE falling_edge: INCREMENT update_interval: 60s accuracy_decimals: 3 id: my_doze_meter filters: - sliding_window_moving_average: # 5-minutes moving average (MA5) here window_size: 5 send_every: 5 - multiply: 0.0054 # SBM20 tube conversion factor of pulses into mkSv/Hour - platform: integration name: "Total Ionizing Radiation Doze" unit_of_measurement: "mkSv" sensor: my_doze_meter # link entity id to the pulse_counter values above icon: "mdi:radioactive" accuracy_decimals: 5 time_unit: min # integrate values every next minute filters: - multiply: 0.00009 # obtained doze (from mkSv/hour into mkSv/minute) conversion factor: 0.0054 / 60 minutes = 0.00009; so pulses * 0.00009 = doze every next minute, mkSv. ####### END of ggreg20_esp8266_esphome.yaml #####