GGreg20_V3 with Raspberry Pi Pico W under Home Assistant with ESPHome firmware config example

We’ve been planning to post a GGreg20_V3 configuration example for the Raspberry Pi Pico W since ESPHome started supporting this wonderful controller with wireless support. But after users started making projects for RPi with GGreg20_V3, and after Tom’s Hardware wrote about a project using Pico W, we also made our own full-featured configuration example.

The main features of this example configuration compared to our previous ones:

  • two types of tubes are taken into account and supported: J305 and SBM20. The user can switch between the two types of tubes with a convenient selector to calculate the values directly during operation, via the frontend, for example, through the Home Assistant dashboard widget.
  • the Geiger tube internal noise compensation mode was taken into account and offered. This mode can also be switched directly during operation via the frontend.
  • the calculation of internal noise compensation also takes into account the situation when the number of pulses is not enough to compensate. In this case, no compensation is performed. Please note that our example contains the coefficients provided by Geiger tube manufacturers: for J305: 0.2 pulses per second; for SBM20: 1 pulse per second.
  • the configuration creates a separate text sensor that automatically shows the current status according to the radiation level: normal / warning / danger.
  • the text status sensor also supports the situation when no pulses are received from the GGreg20_V3 module. In this case, this sensor will have the value “sensor error”.