IoT-devices LLC

The DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 – High Voltage Module for Geiger Tube



DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 High Voltage DC Converter – New Release of the high voltage module as well as the previous version is a miniature ultra-thin (5 mm) and low-power DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 module with the ability to generate high voltage at low input voltage and consumption. This product is made by IoT-devices with freedom & wisdom in Ukraine.


The module was designed for use as a high voltage source for Geiger-Muller tubes but the technical characteristics of the module make it possible to use in other kinds of projects. Here are just a few recipes:

  • a high voltage source for Geiger-Muller tubes;
  • power supply of retro symbol gas-filled indicators;
  • devices for protection against mosquitoes, ozonizers, etc;
  • other kinds of projects.
DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 is also available on Etsy


DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 High Voltage DC Converter – New Release of the high voltage module as well as the previous version is a miniature ultra-thin (5 mm) and low-power DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 module with the ability to generate high voltage at low input voltage and consumption. This product is made by IoT-devices with freedom & wisdom in Ukraine.


The DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 module is designed as:

  • a high voltage source for Geiger-Muller tubes;
  • power supply of retro symbol gas-filled indicators;
  • devices for protection against mosquitoes, ozonizers, etc;
  • other kinds of projects.

What’s improved in the new version?

The new version of the DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 module has improved stability of the output high voltage level depending on the input supply voltage level in the range from 2.4 volts to 5.5 volts.

Important instructions

The module is sold with a preset output voltage level 400 volts and is ready for use.

To enable the module:

  • Connect the power supply via the μUSB connector or two VCC & GND inputs.
  • Connect the high voltage load to the High voltage and GND outlets.

In case the user needs to change the output voltage level, it is necessary to:

Step 1. Connect load to the output High voltage port (for example, a resistor of 10 MOhm and in parallel to the resistor a capacitor of 300 nF, 600 V).

Step 2. Use a high impedance multimeter (10 MOhm) to control the high voltage level.

Step 3. Connect Power Supply source to input port (2,5 – 5,5 volts recommended).

Step 4. Use the potentiometer on board and set the output voltage level as you need.

WARNING! Keep out other electronic or electrical circuits to the high voltage connectors of the module because this may damage these devices.

DCDC_3V3_400V vs DCDC_3V3_400V_V1

Parameter DCDC_3V3_400V DCDC_3V3_400_V1 Status
Power supply voltage 3.7 or 5 V 2.2 – 5.5 V improved
Output voltage range adjustable: 200 – 1200 V adjustable: 200 – 1200 V no change
Dependence on the supply voltage level. yes no improved
Recommended load resistance 1 – 10M ohms 1 – 10M ohms no change
Recommended load capacitor 300 nF 300 nF no change
Current consumption near 30 mA near 30 mA no change
Output voltage stability 5% 3% improved
Modules dimensions X: 45 mm

Y: 15.5 mm

Z: 5 mm

X: 45 mm

Y: 15.5 mm

Z: 5 mm

no change

Technical specifications

Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum
Input voltage level 2.4 Volts 5 Volts 5.5 Volts
Output voltage adjustment range 200 V 400 V 1200 V
Current consumption 10 mA 18 mA 20 mA
Load resistance 10 MOhm 10 MOhm 10 MOhm
Output voltage stability at 2.4 – 5.5V power supply ± 3% ± 3% ± 3%
Recommended load capacitor 300 nF 400 V 300 nF 600 V 300 nF 1500 V


The DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 module has the following dimensions: X: 45 mm Y: 15.5 mm Z: 5 mm

Product delivery kits.

The module is supplied in the following set:

  • DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 High-voltage module – 1 pc.


Technical description: dcdc_3v3_400v_v1_product_description-ukr, dcdc_3v3_400v_v1_product_description-eng.


Manufacturer site
Shop on Tindie for international orders
Shop for local orders within Ukraine
Facebook page


Manufacturer message

Dear Reader! Thank you for your interest in our products. We hope that you enjoy this device. “IoT-devices” has been made possible thanks to the support of our Customers, as well as our experience and love for Electronics.

Dear Reader! Thank you for your interest in our products. We hope you enjoy this device. “IoT-devices” was born thanks to the support of our customers and thanks to our experience and love for Electronics.

Designed and manufactured by IoT-devices with freedom and wisdom in Ukraine in 2021. All rights reserved.

Designed and made by “IoT-devices” with freedom & wisdom in Ukraine – 2021. All rights reserved.


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