Application of I2C bus interface splitter
Description of the problem We have a main system controller and several devices with an I2C interface that need to be connected to it. The figure shows an approximate classic…
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Description of the problem We have a main system controller and several devices with an I2C interface that need to be connected to it. The figure shows an approximate classic…
Ми виготовили і почали продаж нового модуля I2CUI1. 1. Загальний огляд. Це панель, яка може встановлюватися на стінці корпусу для керування пристроєм. Для керування встановлений джойстик. Для індикації станів пристрою встановлений…
може сховати лістинг у акордеон? ####### ggreg20_esp8266_esphome.yaml ##### esphome: name: esphome_node1 # Controller Unique Name platform: ESP8266 # Platform type you have to select when creating new yaml-config in ESP Home board: nodemcuv2 # Controller type you have to select when creating new yaml-config in ESP Home wifi: ssid: "YourWiFiSSID" password: "SSIDPassword" # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Esphome Node1 Fallback Hotspot" password: "Cpxg9hRIBU7M" captive_portal: # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: password: "APIpassword" ota: password: "OTApassword" # Just embedded test D3 (GPIO0) button on every ESP8266 Devboard # You can press D3 button several times to simulate incoming GGreg pulses binary_sensor: - platform: gpio name: "D3 Input Button" pin: number: 0 inverted: True mode: INPUT_PULLUP # Here we calc and include to the firmware a power and doze values of ionizing radiation as sensor outputs sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: D3 unit_of_measurement: 'mkSv/Hour' name: 'Ionizing Radiation Power' count_mode: rising_edge: DISABLE falling_edge: INCREMENT update_interval: 60s accuracy_decimals: 3 id: my_doze_meter filters: - sliding_window_moving_average: # 5-minutes moving average (MA5) here window_size: 5 send_every: 5 - multiply: 0.0054 # SBM20 tube conversion factor of pulses into mkSv/Hour - platform: integration name: "Total Ionizing Radiation Doze" unit_of_measurement: "mkSv" sensor: my_doze_meter # link entity id to the pulse_counter values above icon: "mdi:radioactive" accuracy_decimals: 5 time_unit: min # integrate values every next minute filters: - multiply: 0.00009 # obtained doze (from mkSv/hour into mkSv/minute) conversion factor: 0.0054 / 60 minutes = 0.00009; so pulses * 0.00009 = doze every next minute, mkSv. ####### END of ggreg20_esp8266_esphome.yaml #####